Welcome to the SpinDye Certification Exam

1. How much water do you save, compared to traditional dyeing, by using the SpinDye®-coloring method?

2. How much chemicals do you save, compared to traditional dyeing, by using the SpinDye®-coloring method?

3. How much energy do you save, compared to traditional dyeing, by using the SpinDye®-coloring method?

4. How much Co2 emissions do you save, compared to traditional dyeing, by using the SpinDye®-coloring method?

5. In percent, how much of all water pollution world wide is relating to dyeing textiles according from research cited by the World Bank?

6. What part of the coloring process is the main reason to why the SpinDye® coloring method is highly sustainable and gives a fabric that is very durable?

7. Who is issuing and validating the SpinDye®-certificate?

8. We aRe SpinDye® issue a certification on each individual batch of produced fabrics.
What is the SpinDye®-certification method based on?

9. SpinDye®-fabrics that was exposed 350 hrs in laboratory (equal to a full year exposure in sun on high altitude) received the test result according to EN ISO 105-B02:

10. We aRe SpinDye® uses recycled polyester with a certain certification. Which certification is it?